
Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! I got to go Trick or Treating for the first time last night. Last year I was too little. We only went to about 6 of our neighbors houses, but that was definitely enough candy to last me about a year since I don't get to eat it very often.
Here we are walking down the street in the dark.
"Trick or Treat"

Nana let me sample some M&M's while we were out.
Walking with Grandpa...
and Daddy.
Then when we got home Nana gave me a sucker. I was pretty wired tonight since I've never eaten much candy before. But, Halloween only happens once a year. Here are Mommy's really cool BOO pumpkins.
And, Mommy & Auntie Corinne got into Halloween at school this year. They found cute shirts that say "Good Witch" and "Bad Witch." Their students thought they were pretty funny!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Party

I got to go to a Halloween Party at the Boria's today. Here they are all dressed up! When we got there everyone sat down to decorate a gord. Here is my beautiful butterfly costume. Ann made it for me!

I loved seeing all the other kids running around in their costumes, but the Halloween decorations scared me a little bit. Here, Mommy & I decorate a gord.

The finished product!
I wanted to try to hula-hoop. Mommy tried to show me how, but I don't have the skills for that yet.
Here I am sitting with Alyssa! I really like her!
Here is that silly boy, Alex. He sure is goofy! There were so many kids and so many activites going on. I mostly just watched everyone else and enjoyed seeing them having fun.

Thanks for a great party Ann & family!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Speaking of Homecoming...

I really liked the cheerleaders. Mommy says this was much funnier in person, but you can get the idea from the video.

Funny Face

For some FUNNY reason I make this FUNNY face a lot. Mommy & Daddy have been trying to catch me on camera for a couple of weeks but I would stop doing it when they grabbed the camera. Finally, they got me. And now, here it is for your enjoyment!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Not Natty Related

This week was homecoming week at Mommy's school. So, you know what that means? She and Auntie Corinne got really creative with their outfits to fit the themes for each day. The theme of the week was heroes.

On Monday they were Sports Heroes. Mommy borrowed Nana's Tony Romo jersey and Auntie supported the San Diego Chargers.

On Tuesday they were Super Heroes. Their shirts say "Girl Power" and feature all of the girl super heroes.

On Wednesday they were War Heroes. They even accessorized their cammo jackets with dog tags.

We don't have a picture for Thursday because Mommy & Auntie visited another school that day.

Finally, Friday was spirit day and they love their school, so they wore Enochs shirts.

I got to go to the Homecoming football game and I really enjoyed myself. I will share about that soon!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Huntin'

Warning: There are LOTS of pictures in this post. If you don't have more than a few minutes to look, come back later ;)

We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend. My Nana & Grandpa and my Nana G & Grandpa G joined us. We went to the Dutch Hollow pumpkin patch in Riverbank. Their pumpkins are a little expensive, but it is worth it because of all the other fun things they have there.
First, they have animals. I know how to "moo" so the cows were especially fun. Plus, there was a new baby cow that was probably only a few hours old.

They also have these cool characters with holes that you can stick your head through. Mommy, Grandpa & I had fun with these!

I had to check out the sheep and goats too.

Then, we headed for the corn pit. They had a big rectangle of hay bales filled with dry corn kernels. It was fun to romp around in!

Then we went pumpkin huntin'. Mommy has an idea (and if it turns out well, we will show you soon) so we had to find just the right sizes and shapes.

I loved riding in the wagon with the pumpkins the best!

And, I even got to pick out a pumpkin for myself. I got a little one :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008


After it rained for most of the morning on Saturday, we finally got outside in the afternoon to play. And, Sunday we stayed outside most of the day too to make up for the missed time on Saturday morning. Here are some of our adventures in the following 4 videos.

While it was raining outside, here is one way I kept myself busy...

Throwing a Ball (like a girl :)

Race Car

Blowing Bubbles

Saturday, October 4, 2008


It rained quite a bit here on Saturday. It isn't the first time I experienced rain, but it was the first time I was old enough to recognize that it was happening. We couldn't go outside because everything was wet. But, we found a lot to do inside to keep us occupied for the day!