
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Power Wheels

We have new next door neighbors and they have a little girl that is just a little older than me. We get to play outside together sometimes. She just got a pink Cadillac Escalade power wheel. It is a blast! We cruise down the street and listen to the radio. Sometimes we just get in and out of it a million times. And, sometimes we take our babies for rides too. What fun!


I have missed my buddies Alex, Alyssa & Andi so much that their mommy brought them over to play. I got to show off my new swing set.
We made a choo-choo traing out of my chairs.
And, we played with musical instruments.

I will be back with the kids this week since mommy has to go back to work.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Watch out below...

for video overload! Mommy & daddy finally got around to uploading a bunch of cute videos from the last couple of weeks. Enjoy them below!

Playing with cars with daddy

Testing the swings

Hunting Easter Eggs

Birthday card

A singing birthday card from Pat & Felix.


My cupcake...

Jump Rope

Playing with the jump rope with Andi, Alex, Alyssa, & Ann at my birthday party.

Having fun on my birthday!

Here is what I did on my birthday!


You will see lots more singing videos coming up because I love to sing, but here is one from a few weeks ago when I was caught singing with one of my toys at Nana's.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Too cute!

Planting Sweat Peas

My birthday present from Auntie Corinne was lots of gardening stuff. Since Auntie loves gardening and is great at it, and Mommy likes it and is getting better, this is the perfect gift. I already love to dig in Mommy's garden when she is planting or weeding and now I have my own tools to help with. Auntie gave me this cute pink pot to plant sweat peas in. Mommy let me do most of the work myself. Auntie will be so proud of me when my flowers grow!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Playdoh with G.

Nana & Grandpa G came over for dinner and look what I got them to do... ...yup! They are playing playdoh with me!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

All Done!

Thanks to a lot of help from my Uncle Raymond and Uncle Erik, my playset is complete! Last night Mommy & Daddy wheelbarrowed in the bark and now I can play on it. That is pretty much all I want to do. I squealed in delight for about 20 minutes the first time I was allowed to play on it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The Easter bunny left me a cute pink Easter basket filled with a couple of new DVD's, some Dora panties, bubbles, a pink bunny Pez, and a cute spring outfit. I am a lucky girl!
I got to hunt Easter eggs for the first time. The last two years I have been too little. Let me tell you, hunting eggs is fun. I kept telling Mommy & Daddy, "more eggs."
Katie even helped me by sniffing out a few.

It got even more fun when I realized there was stuff inside. The Easter bunny brought me M&M's and money in my eggs. Wow!

Work in Progress

My birthday present was a swing set. This is not your ordinary swing set. It has a slide and a playhouse on top. We knew that it was going to be a big deal to set it up, but when Daddy and Uncle Raymond opened the boxes, they found about 1 million pieces. Well, here they are building it. Mommy keeps promising them that they will feel a fantastic sense of accomplishment when they are finished!

I am the supervisor. I am keeping a good watch over their work and making sure that they do it all right.
I am very excited about this and I just can't wait until it is finished. I had to try out the swing.


We are babysitting Katie while Nana & Papa take a well deserved, relaxing vacation. I love having her around. I say "C'mon Kate" and make sure that she follows me everywhere I go.Katie is always around when I am eating. There are never any crumbs on the ground when I am done.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Whipped Cream

Daddy makes his own mochas every morning (except Sunday's which is Starbucks day)
and I always love to sample the whipped cream on the top. Sometimes Daddy has to go back for more because I take it all.

Friday, April 10, 2009

With Papa

Playing with Dora sticker Colorforms. And, tracing feet.

Bird-day Party

Since I LOVE birdies, Mommy made my birthday party with a birdie theme. Here are all of the cute decorations...

...decorated bird houses for the food table... ...picture centerpieces with birdie nests...
...a happy birthday sign...
...and cupcakes with cute birdie toppers.

Ann, Alex, Andi, and Alyssa showed up with these cute birdie balloons. Mommy & Daddy were a little busy and distracted so this is the best picture we got of them, but trust me, they were CUTE!

Here I am having lunch with my buddy Alex A.K.A. Bobo. "Cheers!"
"he's so funny"
My Nana & Papa got me a Dora bike. I am already trying it out.
At least my helmet is on, right?
Another thing I love is cars. Nana & Grandpa G got me a cool purple one. Uncle Raymond helped by opening it up for me. I waited patiently.

And, here are a few cute shots of the birthday girl!

And, now for the cupcake pictures. Everyone who was there already knows how cute and funny this was, but for the rest of you, check it out. I really enjoyed licking the frosting off the top of the cupacke, and I made quite a production out of it.

I had a really great time at my birthday party and here is what happened when all of my guests left...