
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Fun in the Crib with Daddy

My Daddy can always make me laugh. He is such a silly guy and comes up with the funnest things for us to do. Watch this!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Duck Ducks

This video is actually from our Thanksgiving Weekend trip but we forgot we had it to share with you. Here I am with Daddy & Nana feeding the "Duck Ducks" as I call them. I really loved the ducks and getting to feed them was very cool!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Night

After playing with my new toys all day, we got dressed up and went to Felix & Pat's house for Christmas Dinner. It was a nice time and there were lots of other people there, but for some reason Mommy & Daddy only took pictures of me. Here I am in my Christmas dress.

And crossing my arms like my Mommy does all the time, but you can see I obviously think it is funny! Then I found a comfy spot to relax and watch a movie.

On Saturday we went to my Grandma & Grandpa Coyle's for our final Christmas celebration. Mommy forgot the camera, so we don't have pictures, but soon you will see me playing with all of my new toys from all of my Christmases.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve Dinner

For Christmas Eve Dinner we were at my Nana & Grandpa's with all of my Nana's side of the family. Here is the whole gang getting ready to eat. Here I am playing with an unwrapped popper. These are a tradition in my family. They are also the reason why you see some people wearing funny hats in the picture above. While everyone else had dessert, I got to have some chocolate pudding. What a treat!

My Nana & Grandpa got a laptop for Christmas. Here I am with Nana checking out my blog. I love to see pictures of myself!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Morning

We had a lovely Christmas morning! It was all a little overwhelming for me (as you will see in pictures below) but overall it was a great day. When I woke up my Nana & Grandpa, Uncle Raymond, Grandma Virginia, and Nana G & Grandpa G (that's my Great-Nana and Great-Grandpa Larkin, in case you didn't know) all came over to have breakfast and open presents with us. I am LOVING having Nana G & Grandpa G here for Christmas this year!
Here is our beautiful tree, decorated by me & Mommy.
Here was my first reaction to my presents...
...and then I did this a lot. (this is the overwhelmed me :(
But then I got into it again when they showed me this!!! I got a kitchen and it is PINK!
My Auntie Corinne & Uncle Todd sent me all of this cool stuff to go with it. There are plates, cups, napkins, silverware & pots and pans!!!
I also got a really cute purple backpack.
Once I even stopped playing and helped Mommy open my presents.

Look at this! It is a Little People Carriage from my Nana & Grandpa. I was calling it a "choo choo" because I just learned about those recently.
I also got this neat pretend aquarium. I like to watch the fishies swim aroundWhen we were all done enjoying watching each other open presents I was really pooped and enjoyed a good snuggle with my Nana.

We celebrated Christmas again tonight and we have one more celebration on Saturday. Stay tuned for more fun pictures to come!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Gingerbread House

Mommy thought it would be fun to let me help decorate a gingerbread house. Isn't she brave?!?!? I was a little into it at the beginning, but my Mommy kept telling me where to put the candies. She is a little too organized sometimes.

Finally, I got fed up with being told where to put the candies, so I put them in my mouth. It sounded like a good idea to me. I quickly got pulled off of decorating duties.
Here is our finished product.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Giant Cookie is a GOOD Thing!

My babysitter Ann & her girls came over today to bring me some Christmas presents. One of the great things they brought us was these giant cookies decorated with frosting on popsicle sticks. I kept pointing to them and saying "Oooohhh!" So, Mommy finally gave in and let me have a little taste. I thouroughly enjoyed the few yummy bites that she let me have!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Silly Girl

Everyone knows how I love my binkies (or mimi's as I call them). Well, lately I have been trying to see how many I can get in my mouth at one time... I am up to two!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Santa Night

I got to go meet Santa tonight. Actually, I should say, I HAD to go meet Santa. He is not my favorite person, although I do like looking at pictures of him and saying "Ho Ho Ho!" You have to admit, he is a little big and scary. I am told I will like him sooner or later. We will see!

So here I am before I even knew what was going to happen. And then we all sang "Jingle Bells" and Santa appeared.

I got very quiet and curious while Santa called all the other kids' names and gave them presents. I really didn't like it when Mommy put me on his lap...

How come Mommy is laughing and I am crying???
I did like ripping open the paper on the package that Santa brought me... ...and I really liked what was inside (a magnadoodle with animal stamps).

At the end, Santa and Mrs. Claus reminded everyone to be good!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Card Photo

Merry Christmas from The Mariano's!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Getting Caught Up

Since Thanksgiving weekend, we have been pretty busy doing some very exciting things to get ready for Christmas. Sorry we got so far behind with our blogging, but we are caught up now! Enjoy the posts below to see what we've been up to!

My Pink Tree with Ornaments Made by ME

Thanks to my babysitter Ann who was brave enough to let me make ornaments (I actually helped to roll them out and use cookie cutters to cut them). Then she even let me use puff paint to decorate them. I am pretty happy with how they turned out! Then, Mommy & Daddy let me put them on my pink tree that stays in my room.

Here is the finished product!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Enochs Kids Christmas Party

Mommy's school throws this cool party every year where the staff get to take their kids to a Christmas party. There are lots of crafts, treats, and even Santa makes an appearance.
My Auntie Corinne was there with her puppy named Kitty (I know it sounds a little funny, but it is really a cute story... another time :) Anyway, I was kind of enjoying playing with him so much and watching the tap dancers on the stage that I didn't do much else except...

...say "Hi" to Santa (no, I did not sit on his lap :(
And, I decorated a cookie.

Daddy found a spot that was missing sprinkles ;)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Some of you probably know that I get to go to Kindermusik. It is a music class for kids that I go to every Tuesday night with Mommy & Daddy. I LOVE IT! I dance and sing and play instruments. It is so much fun! Tonight was our Christmas Cookie Exchange at KM. You can see from my face (below) that I was very excited about this. We all got to ride on this parachute while our Mommies pulled us like they were reindeer. This wasn't my idea of fun tonight so you get to see two of my KM buddies doing it instead.
And, here is Miss Ginger reading a story that she personalized and printed for each of us for Christmas. It has a picture of each of us while we are playing an instrument in it. Pretty cool present if you ask me!

Hopefully Mommy & Daddy can get some better pictures of me or even a video while I am at KM. (Sorry for all the abbreviations. Mommy really likes to shorten things :)