
Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Cousins!

My Mommy's cousin Tonya just had twin baby girls. You can check them out here at their blog. We wish Aunt Tonya the best of luck with the new babies! I can't wait to meet my new cousins!

Monday, January 19, 2009

1st Haircut

Can you believe that I am almost two and I hadn't had a haircut yet? Well, I finally went for one today. At first I was a little bit squirmy, but then the lady gave me a sucker and then I sat perfectly still the entire time. We didn't take too many pictures because Daddy was getting his hair cut at the same time.
Here's what my hair looks like after my haircut. What do you think? Mommy says it looks so thick and healthy now. I guess that must be a good thing.

Although you can't see my hair in this picture, this one was just too cute to leave out.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

SF Zoo

We have been trying to go to the zoo since the end of summer, but every time we planned a trip, something got in our way. So, today we made it! We went to the San Francisco Zoo and it was such a beautiful, sunny day! You will mostly see the backs of our heads in these pictures because we walked around and looked at animals all day.

Here I am trying to get a good look at some monkeys.
We spent a long time looking at the giraffes. They are so tall!
I kept running to Grandpa to be picked up because he is tall and gave me the best view!

Can you believe that Mommy let me hold a snake? Just kidding! This is just one of those fun picture posing things.

Even though I thouroughly enjoyed myself, I wasn't in the mood to smile for pictures. I guess I was too busy checking out all of the cool animals, making animals sounds at them, and trying to say all of their names.
Flamingos are funny!

One of the best parts of the SF Zoo is the Children's Zoo. They have a huge petting zoo and lots of kid sized things. Here I am trying out a mini tractor.
Looking at the ducks with Nana.
Have I mentioned that I love ducks? I wanted everyone else to pet the animals, but I was a little nervous about it. I loved "baa"ing at the sheep and goats though.

We had a great day. I am sure we will be visiting the zoo again soon!

Quacking with the Ducks at the Zoo

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Cottage

My babysitter Ann & her family gave me the Rose Petal Cottage for Christmas. I LOVE it. I drag everyone and everything in there to play. Here is some footage from the first day playing with the cottage. The first part of the video shows me dropping some books through the mail slot. Since I love the cottage soooo much I am sure you will be seeing more video me in the cottage soon!

"No, no, no!"

I must have heard this somewhere...

Too Cute

We went to the park for a little while to get out of the house today because we had to keep Mommy distracted from being depressed about having to go back to work tomorrow. Usually, I resist wearing a hat, but it was so cold that I willingly let them put one on me today. Look how cute I am playing on the stairs to the slide by myself.
And, another cute "Cheese" moment...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Shopping Cart

I have been so busy playing with all of my new toys that I have hardly had time to do anything else. Here is me with my new shopping cart. I also got a lot of food to play with in my kitchen and it is perfect to throw into the shopping cart. As you can imagine, I also throw lots of other things (kitty, binkies, etc.) into the cart and cruise around the house.

I have also been very cheeky around the camera lately. Anytime someone is taking my picture I grab someone else that I love and say "Cheese!" Mommy is not too happy that this picture is on the blog because it was still early in the morning before showers, but we had to tell you about this funny new thing I do.